We’ve been hearing this ever since we can remember— “Fashion is a representation of who you are”. I never quite understood what that actually meant. I mean, seriously, my clothes are me, and I am my clothes? Which basically sums up to the theory that I am nothing but a penguin suit?

But during one of my more serious moments (I happen to have very few of them), I got a little philosophical about it. And that’s when it struck me. Fashion is indeed a represention of who we are as a person. Look at it this way. Everyone has a taste in fashion– their own unique, different taste. Why do some people tend to go all casual while some are better in formals? It is simply because that’s who they are. I personally happen to be a more formal guy– self concious and disgusted of being socially awkward. And that shows in the kind of clothes that I wear. Formal shirts with very subtle designs to hint at a tinge of madness. Here’s how I look in shirts:

Every man has a signature style. And the most amusing thing is that it is completely subconcious. See it this way. Why is it that when you enter a mall, you go straight to the zone of clothee that you are comfortable in?. Why do ome guys go for formals, while some go for casuals. 

To state this with living examples is even better. Can you imagine Justin Bieber walking down the street in a vestcoat and well fitting suit holding a cup of starbucks? No? Better still. Can you imagine Robert Herjavec walk down the same street, speaking to Bieber, all while wearing loose t shirt and skinny jeans? No? See, told you. I made this mistake once, and while I carried it off well, I did not quite stand out like I usually do in formals. This is how I looked:

That’s straight from instagram.

Our so called “representation of character” also shows in the colour of our clothes. A more serious person would go for darker colours while a merry person tends to go for light shades. And just because I could not rely upon my own insignificant sense of judgement here, I ended up asking 14 people I know to be my hamsters in this research. Keep in mind that I know these people very well. I have known them for years. And what I found was astonishing. The serious ones literally went for dark colours like black, royal blue and maroon, while the happy go lucky ones went for colours like white, peach and sky blue.

Apart from this, there is also a comfort factor. A man who feels confident in formals will never be as comfortable in a loose kurta and a pyjama. There will be a lack of confidence in him. 

Put all this aside and we have an even deeper phenomenon. It’s called ‘aura’. Let me explain this thing to you mere mortals out there. The theory behind this is a proven psychological factor– the people around you share your energy. If you are confident, they will share the positive energy. If you are underconfident, angry or nervous, they will feel the same. This theory was proved to be correct when a few years ago, a research was carried out regarding a big WWE wrestling match. It was noted that the powerful positive energy towards the match favourite in the US was transferred around the world, and the US favourite quickly became the favourite around the world. It works in the same way for indivisuals. As metioned earlier in this article, you will not be comfortable trying to be represent you are not through your clothes. And the people around you will feel the same. They will not like you or your style, no matter how hard you try to fake confidence. The best thing to do is be who you are. If you are a street style expert, don’t try to be James Bond. And the same goes for all the Bonds out there. Don’t go around singing Jay Z. This means that every man should have his own signature style, and should respect his individuality.

Hope this article helped you (I know it did). Thank me later.

Plus, I have this special thing for all the aspiring bloggers today. This is off the topic but I can’t have a different post about this, so here it is:

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